We believe the future of financial advice relies on complete transparency from service providers. To that end, we have produced this specific policy to communicate when, how, and by whom we are remunerated.
Our Commitment To Transparency
Today’s small company investors are significantly more educated and experienced compared to years past. Now more than ever, these investors are deciding to take their decisions out of the hands of full-service advisers and into their own.
After observing nearly two decades of this mainstream trend toward self-directed investment in Australia, we decided to re-think how analysis on small companies might be delivered to self-directed investors.
We approach the initial stages of analysis the same way as any traditional research house. Our team reviews thousands of pages of company reports looking for opportunities that fit our investment criteria. We conduct interviews with management, contact key customers and counterparties, and a host of other analysis milestones - ultimately cumulating in a complete report on the company.
The key difference we offer is rather than producing a report from our analysis and attempt to monetise it by charging individual investors for access (either through a paid subscription or investor-paid brokerage), we approach the company to see if they are interested in beginning a sponsorship relationship with us to broadcast the analysis we’ve produced to our audience.
This sponsorship arrangement allows us to provide all analysis free of charge to our audience and allows underappreciated stocks to be discovered by new investors. The nature of our sponsorship relationship with each company is a flat monthly retainer which has no volume basis and includes other services such as graphic design and digital marketing advice. Although we believe strongly in every company we work with, the dynamic of this relationship naturally presents a potential conflict which any investor should be aware of.
For this reason, we do not put any price target or recommendation on our reports, instead deferring to a consensus of third-party research which is linked in every report. To further separate concerns, clients are required to execute their own trades at the online broker of their choice, and we do not receive commission from the SelfWealth online share trading platform which we provide access to.
We consider our “clients” completely self-directed investors, and provide General Advice limited to the companies we cover. Our intended audience is an experienced self-directed small company investor who may not want or need specific advice and is seeking factual information on new companies from which to conduct further analysis.
We recommend any investor receiving our reports should conduct their own due diligence and independently verify any facts, figures, or conclusions that may be contained within the report. For investors who do not feel comfortable or experienced enough to conduct their own due diligence, we recommend seeking independent, third-party personal investment advice from one of the many full-service investment advisory firms that cover the small company end of the market.
In conclusion, we hope that this policy helps to clearly understand our business model and the potential conflicts that may exist, as well as our commitment to quality in the companies we deal with and complete transparency with our investor audience.
We encourage any questions regarding this policy which can be directed to our contact page. Investors that would like to view our full research disclosures please visit our coverage page.
Mawson Graham Team